Thursday 15 September 2016

Woman commits suicide after her sex tape got leaked by her ex

A woman identified as Tiziana Cantone filmed herself having sex with her new boyfriend and sent it to her ex boyfriend to taunt him, she committed suicide after he shared the tape online.
Her ex shared the sex tape and even revealed her full identity online as his own form of revenge. The video has been shared and downloaded on pornsites hundreds of thousands of times.
Tiziana, an Italian quit her job and relocated from Naples to Tuscany after reportedly being recognised  mocked and abused online and also in real life.
She was in the process of legally changing her name when she was found dead, according to local press. Prosecutors have opened an inquest in her hometown-Naples which could bring criminal charges.
Teresa Petrosino, her friend, told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that Ms Catone was “destroyed” by the abuse, she narrated.
“She had spoken of her desire to leave everything behind, and to close with the past”, she said. I wonder how anyone can be so fierce, how to rage against a girl who has not done anything wrong. I think that they should be ashamed of all those who have filled the web of insults and meanwhile secretly watched the images.”
See more pictures of the deceased below:::


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