Monday 29 February 2016

Before you quit! put these into consideration.....

Giving up could be the best thing for you, but it also could be the worse if you do not approach it right. If you are about to say goodbye to something/someone that was once important to you, be sure you consider these things below.

 1. Think things through: Why are you giving up? Is it from anger, frustration or pain? Is there a solution to these feelings or do you honestly believe you have done your best. Sometimes, people quit because they are tired or angry, but these feelings usually pass and you might have left something big behind only to realize you made a terrible mistake. So, take a second to think things through before you make a decision. You should not make a permanent decision over a temporary emotion.

 2. Approach things differently: Have you tried approaching things a little differently? Look into whatever you want to give up on, have you tried the varieties of approach you have? There might be an avenue you are yet to explore. READ ALSO: Signs you will never make it in life

 3. Try again: Most people give up on the first attempt, but people that reach their goals usually try more than once. So, before you say goodbye, give it one more try. You never know.

4. Take a step back: Do you feel drained and overwhelmed? Perhaps, all you need is a break. You do not need to permanently shut a door when all you actually need is a few moments break. So, if possible, take some time out to sort through your emotions, or to simply distract yourself. When you return, you will feel more refreshed and energized.

5. Ask for help: Sometimes the solution is just a helping hand away. Some of us forget that others might have the solution we seek. We should not do it all alone, that is unrealistic. Consider asking a mentor, family or friends for help. Those that care for you will always be willing to help.

6. Create a back-up plan: The worst thing you can do is quit something without knowing what you will do afterwards. This usually happens when people quit in anger or because they are depressed. Making the conscious decision to quit means knowing that there is something else to take its place. It can be extremely disheartening to give up on something only to be left with nothing.

*Dont give up*

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